To stop a service: Net stop name_of_service. The net command can be used to start or stop a service through the following command lines: To start a service: Net start name_of_service. To Start, Stop, and Disable Services using Sc Command 1 Open an elevated command prompt, and do step 2 (stop), step 3 (disable), step 4 (enable), or step 5 (start) below for what you would like to do. How to start stop and disable services using sc command? To start a service, Open the command prompt, enter the command as shown below: net start "service name" or net start "display name of the service" When finished with enabling or disabling services, close the command prompt. To stop a service, Open the command prompt, enter the command as shown below: 2. (Optional) Type the following command to view a list of all the services and press Enter: How to stop a service in windows 8?ġ. Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option. To stop a Windows 10 or app service with Command Prompt, use these steps: Open Start. CMD.exe keeps popping up in Windows PC and cannot effectively disable it or stop it Relax This article will provide 3 effective methods and 2 reliable.

We can get these running services names using cmd. If you fall into this issue much often like me, make an. Before Start-Stop any services using CMD you need to know the service name and which are services are running currently.